I'm Nele and I want to introduce myself a little bit, 'cause you should know who writes all these posts :)

I'm a fulltime student from Germany, who studies in the textile & clothing department. That's why I like to post from time to time something fashion related.
But as you probably recognized this blog includes predominantely  Beauty-/Makeup posts. If you are wondering why, here is the answer: Becuase it's my hobby, my passion and part of my creativity.
I never thought about becoming a professionel make-up artist and even though I like to do the makeup of friends, I still don't want to become one. There are already so many great make-up artists, who are doing such perfect work, which I would never be able to do. It's just something that I like to do in my freetime, like others are painting on canvas (which I also like to do).
I always had the feeling that the relation & connection between fashion and make-up is underestimated and since both sectors are part of my life, I like to write about both...

Almost at the same time as I started my blog, I've uploaded the first video to my YouTube-Channel. The idea of doing those beauty related videos (to be honest) was copied. I watched during Summer-Holidays the videos of Elle (AllThatGlitters21) & Laura (Lollipop26). I did nothing else than just watching their videos for almost 2 weeks and I think these girls are amazing! I don't really know, what exactly made me decide for doing my own videos. I think it was a combination of the inspiring videos and the fact that I always had ideas of nice make-up looks, but I never really had the opportunities to wear those. I basically decided for doing these videos to share my ideas so that maybe someone else would find the right occasion to wear my looks.

Since some products are not really suitable to be reviewed in a video, I thought it would be a logical thing to do, to host a blog as well. And there is something special to me about writing. I always wanted to write a book (I'm actually working on a book) or a column. Writing is such a difference in comparison to do videos. You do not really have to prepare anything, you don't have to worry about lighting and you can write whereever and whenever you want (e.g. in the break between lectures). Unfortunately there are certain things you can't describe by typing some words, they just need to be shown!

I think it would help to give you an idea of who I am, if I'm answering a few basic questions, that could be interesting for you. Let's call them the FAQ's in advanced  ;)...

What is your name?
Cornelia. Nele is just my Nickname, but I prefer this version!!!

When is your birthday?
28th of November, 1985 (I'm a sagittarius)

Where are you from?
I was born in NRW/Germany and I'm still living there.

How do you got into fashion?
It's like a tradition in my family. My grandmother designed lingerie and my mom learned sewing and pattern making for her profession. I always wanted to be a fashion designer (I designed the dresses for my Barbies) and before I started to study, I learned the profession of a "Technical Fashion Assistant". I never wanted to do something different, when I was thinking about my future career. Since it's hard to make a living as a designer, I decided for the organzsation/marketing department of the fashion industry, which includes a lot of travelling and that is great!

Do you have a motto?
Yes. I have a lot of mottoes, which actually fit to my way of thinking. My favorite one is "Life is what you make it", because it keeps me motivated.

Why do you write in English?
There are several reaons, but most important is that I want to keep practicing English. In addition I just love the English-Language; I'm studiying in English; I want to live in the US one day and English is more common than German.

What are your hobbies?
Besides Make-up related things basically everything creative e.g designing, painting, decorating. I also love to write, arrange gaming nights (with scrabbel on so on), watching old movies & shopping (mostly online).

I think I've covered the most interesting questions, but if there is still something you want to know feel free to ask me!