Saturday, September 11, 2010


I love to read these posts by Laura (lollipop26writes). I don’t really know, what is so fascinating about her In’s & Out’s. Maybe it’s just the feeling, when you read something that makes you think: “ I know exactly what you mean!”. Like those moments when you feel connected to someone, without ever getting to know each other ;)

I’m not trying to copy her by any means (don’t even know if Laura invented this?!?), it’s just something I want to attach to my blogger-routine, because I’m a big lollipop26-Fan.

So here are my (current) IN’s & OUT’s:


It’s so nice to see, that it does not require much time or money, to turn a boring room into a chic entrance hall. But it’s so much nicer if you do this for your loved ones and get a big love-hug in return.

By redecorating the room, I remembered how much I love to paint on canvas. When I was younger I was more into drawing on white paper (mostly fashion designs). The older I got the more I was enjoying the big screens. But it took me almost 10 years till I finally started to actually put them on the walls, where they belong (instead of the dark cellar).

By calling these books unnecessary, I’m not saying that there is no need for those books (I definitely feel the need, on those rainy/unhappy days). Realistically you will not learn anything about the necessary things in your life in those random novels, but you can escape to nice fictitious places, you want to have in your own life and experience things you would never get to touch. Dreaming can make life so much more fun! Current favorite: I heart New York by Lindsey Kelk.

Don’t dare to laugh right now, but I swear that this is making my hair and nails growing faster and my hair looks so much healthier!

I love tea! For some reason drinking tea during summer is not giving me the same comfortable feeling as is does in fall/winter time. I don’t think it’s because of the fact, that drinking hot tea is not so fun in hot summers, because I don’t mind drinking my tea cold. It just does not taste as delicious as on those cloudy days. Therefore I’m totally fine, when it’s obviously slowly getting colder again (at least here in Germany)!


It’s so annoying to wait for an exam result over 2 month right now. And no one cares that the marks must be released latest after 6 weeks, because the (maybe) lazy professor is also the head of our department.

How is it possible that either “All lines are busy” or you hear the free line signal, but no one is picking up (for about 4 days in the row). If this company is asking for a customer review, I bet I will be not the only one who is acting like “(for ever) currently not available”.

And this includes painting and make-up brushes as well. I don’t know what it is, but all my brushes have some serious hair loss. I hope it’s just a phase, maybe the hormones are running wild ;)

That’s it for now, but I guess this can change every day! Please let me know what you like and dislike.

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