Saturday, October 2, 2010

CLINIQUE - 3 Step Skincare System (skin type 1)

I know that this is a skincare line, which is very famous. However I haven’t found many reviews about it, but I think it’s worth it to write one.
This is the very first “product” I’ve bought in general from Clinique and the first after a very long time of “make-up abstinence”, too!

First of all, let me tell you how I got into loving this skincare system…
Due to my allergies and bad health condition I had to stay away from all those beautylishes things. I was forced to only use “prescription-cremes” for over a year and after that phase I had certain options to try from the pharmacy, by advice of my dermatologist. Long story short: Non of them worked!
Different problems occurred, with all the different pharmacy-brands. E.g.: They didn’t provide the needed moisture for my neurodermatitis affected skin; they invited my allergies to show up; they caused blackheads & pimples and so on…
I was more or less hopeless to find something that would be right for me & could handle my problems.
One day (I think it as in InSTyle-Magazine) there was an advertise of the skincare system by Clinique and I’ve noticed that you can find one version for each skin type. Some research on their homepage showed me that they are offering ONLY fragrance free & allergy tested products.
I have to admit, that this sounded pretty good to me, but I was still skeptical.
In my local beauty department store, they offered me the option to try the skincare system and if I will notice anything displeasing I could return it. That was making me think: “Just give it a try, it can’t get any worse!”
I’ve used the skincare system for about one week, when I noticed that my skin is not in a good condition. It just didn’t look clean, because of some new spots (which weren’t looking like my normal allergy spots). I was about to take the stuff back to the beauty store, but the beauty-lady told me that this is a common reaction. Since I haven’t used anything to nourish my skin for a couple of month by that time, there were basically a lot of dirtyish things stored in the depth of my skin. The soap and the cleanser just worked on getting rid of all the dirt and deliver it to the surface, where it can be removed while washing my face. I followed her advice and continued using the skincare products.
Surprisingly after another week, my skin looked amazingly flawless. The only thing that stuck to me was the redness on my cheeks, but this is something that I’ve always had and probably will always have.
Flawless means in my case: No pimples, no blackheads, even & soft & healthy looking skin and no feeling of dryness. AND ready to leave the house, with no foundation on.
Doesn’t that sound nice? Yes, it does!

Therefore I will continue with the three individual products of this skincare system, which I’m using for over a year right now…

As mentioned before I have very dry skin, therefore I’m using the products for skin type 1, which means very dry - dry skin! In addition my skin is hyper sensitive. And this is not just related to breakouts. It’s also sensitive in a way, that I cannot use a peeling. This is too harsh for my skin and I will have a reddish head afterwards. Therefore I’m happy, that Clinique offers the option of products, which are made for dry skin AND sensitive skin as well.

Liquid Facial Soap/ Clarifying Lotion/ Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion

Liquid Facial Soap (extra mild/type 1): You can also get a cake of this soap, instead of the fluid version. And you do not need to go for the “extra mild” formulation, if you are not dealing with sensitive skin. What could be weird at the beginning is the fact, that the soap will not build nice foamy bubbles (Somehow this is what I expect soap is doing).

Clarifying Lotion (mild/type 1):
This product is made for exfoliation and it works like a peeling on a very gentle way. Again you can chose between the “normal” version for very dry – dry skin and a mild version. Honestly I think that the normal formulation for skin type 1, gives you a more refreshing feeling on your skin. And somehow the “extra mild” version smells more intense, which shouldn’t be the case, when thinking about using this for very sensitive skin. But the effectiveness is the same, in my opinion. There is one noticeable difference: The mild version has a thicker consistency and you have to shake it before usage.

Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion (type 1):
I can’t think of words, which would express how much I love this cream. Even if this wouldn’t be part of the skincare system, I would still use this lotion. I haven’t found any other moisturizer doing such great things to dry skin!
If you have dry skin, then you will know how unpleasing the feeling of tight skin is. And probably you will know how unattractive flakey skin can look, especially with some foundation on top. This lotion gives you so soft and moistured skin.

Now I will introduce you to my daily skincare routine…

Step 1: I’m damping my face and neck with tepid water.
Step 2: I’m rubbing two pumps of the liquid facial soap between my wet hands.
Step 3: I’m massaging the soap in circular motions into my skin for about 30 sec.
Step 4: I’m cleaning my face with tepid water, till the soap has been removed (this can take a little while).
Step 5: I’m going to towel my face and neck.
Step 6: I’m using a cotton pad and damp it with the clarifying lotion.
Step 7: I run all over my face and neck with the cotton pad.
Step 8: I wait till my skin is dry.
Step 9: I use three pumps of the lotion and rub it between my hands till a white creaminess shows up. I found out that it goes on to the skin much nicer, once the lotion has been warmed up. Step 10: I massage the lotion into my skin. The rest of the remaining cream is meant to be used on the eye area.

You have to follow this routine two times each day. And there’s the rub: You have to show discipline, while using this skincare system. It will not work, when you are just using it here and there. If you are a little lazy skincare wise and use your products just when needed, you will probably not like this skin care routine. Even if it just means 5 min in the morning and evening in addition, it can become pretty annoying!
But once you have seen, what your skin can look like, you will love going through this routine and it will become something so ordinary like brushing your teeth.

I hope this is giving you a good overview on what you have to know, when you have thought about trying this for your skin.
Of course you can have this skincare system for combination and oily/acne prone skin as well. But I tried to avoid going into detail about these offerings, because I haven’t made any experiences with them.

Let me know what you prefer skincare related or what you think about these products…

Let’s come to an end and let me wish you a happy skin-pampering day 

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